10 September 2018
At the CATAS, an internationally renowned facility for testing furnishing materials, will be held on September 26, 2018, an update seminar for operators in the wood-furniture sector and beyond.
In my report, I will explain what are the sources of the obstacles that restrict or even prevent the circulation of products and therefore hinder international trade; and I will provide a quick summary of the tools that can help mitigate the effects.
Thursday 27 September
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Protectionism, technical obstacles, bilateral agreements: these are the topics that fill the news pages in recent months. International trade has become a real battleground and Italian companies, excellent in exports, need today more than ever to know the context of reference in order to continue to operate successfully in foreign markets, especially extra-European.
This meeting aims to provide a basic knowledge of the contractual instruments that can protect the Italian company that sells abroad: how are the responsibilities divided between the different players that come into play in the export process? Technical barriers to trade can create considerable constraints but there are legal instruments to protect businesses: what are they? The lawyer. Mansi of the Law Firm Mansi will try to explore these issues in the course of his speech, while Catas’s task will be to bring some topical examples about technical export barriers, narrated from the point of view of the laboratory. At the end of the interventions will be left space to
questions from the participants.
the seminar will be held at the headquarters of
Via Antica 24
San Giovanni al Natisone, Udine
4:00 pm Welcome greetings
4.05pm International technical standards and technical barriers: some examples
Catas technicians
4.45 pm Contractual instruments to protect private individuals in export
Avv. Francesco Mansi, Mansi Law Firm
17.30 Question time
The conference is aimed at manufacturers and / or retailers of furniture
operating in foreign markets.
The event is free upon registration, by registering online at the following link.
download the poster with the program.
download the presentation of Avv. Stefano Mansi.